What Is The Best Foot File?
What is the best foot file?
Cracked dry heals are the worst. White, flakey, and just plain unsightly. For me, my heals are the worst in the summer time because I’m running around barefoot more often. Summer is also the time you want your feet looking great so you can sport all those cute sandals. So what’s the deal?! As a licensed nail tech, I’m here to spill all my tips and tricks from the best foot file to the secret to getting smooth heals.
How to get rid of cracked heals
The first step to getting smooth heals is getting the right at home care. Having a foot file is important but so is a good callus softener. You’re going to see results way faster if you use the two together. After years in the salon and trying multiple different products, footlogix is what I recommend to have at home for two reasons.
- It’s super easy to use and the callus softener comes with the foot file.
- The foot file lasts forever. Its made from stainless steal ( not the cheese grader kind, don’t ever use those ones) and it’s easily cleaned.

Tips and tricks
Typically when you get a pedicure, the nail tech files your heals after they’ve been soaking for a while. For people with mild callus’s this is ok, but if they’re more moderate to sever it seems to just rough them up even more. The best way to take care of your callus’s is before you get in the shower. Follow these steps for best results.
- Spray your heals (any callus) well. About 2-3 sprays per heal is about right. Let sit for 2-3 minutes.
- Stand in front of your toilet, prop your foot up on the toilet seat and use the rougher side of the file and file away! After you got the bulk of it turn the foot file around and do the same thing. This is the softer side and leaves. Smooth finish. Be careful to not go too crazy, your heals will be sore if you do. I like to prop my foot up on the toilet like this because all the yuck from my heals fall into the toilet and I can just flush it.
- After you get out of the shower ( you can just wash them in the tub if you’re not showering) slather them in foot salve
O’keeffes work great for repairing dry heels. They work with any size feet you just need to wear the for 30min a few times a week and they will prevent dry heels and not needing to file as often
How often do I treat my heals?
If you file your heals 1-2 times a week and apply the salve/silicon socks 3-4 times a week you’ll set yourself up for lovely soft feet. You could also turn this into a nightly routine if you have especially dry heals. The secret to getting rid of dry cracked heals is consistency.